1. I've already registered, but now I can't make it to the event! What can I do?
You can transfer your registration to a friend or to apply the amount you paid to a future event. Simply email motherwellassistant@gmail.com and we'll get you sorted!
2. What stage of motherhood is this group for?
Whether you are a new, experienced or expectant mother, you are welcome here.
3. I have no experience with yoga!
No problem! Our classes are all-level with lots of variations offered throughout class. No experience necessary, yoga is for everyone.
4. Can I bring my baby?
While in general, we encourage you to come child-free, we understand that can be difficult, particularly if you have an infant. You are welcome to bring a non-mobile infant to our gatherings (with the exception of yoga). If your baby is crawling or walking, we ask that you arrange childcare, to protect the gathering from distractions both for you and for the other moms present. We do have a handful of events that are for the whole family, and that will be specifically called out in the event description.
5. So is this like, a "mommy group"?
Yes and no. Is it a group for moms? Yes! But MWM is not like other mom groups. At our gatherings, you won't find us talking about parenting tips or baby milestones, you won't even see children at our gatherings. Instead you'll hear conversations about identity, ambition, and mental health. You'll see a group of women who, together, co-create a space of safety and non-judgement for honest sharing and connection.
6. I'm feeling nervous to come because I don't know anyone - help!
First of all, we hear you. It takes so much bravery to show up in a space when you don't know anyone. I also want to assure you facilitating authentic connection is something we are really thoughtful and intentional about. We've had many moms come to a gathering not knowing anyone and we received consistent feedback that they are so surprised by the depth of connection they find. All that to say, if you show up, trust that we will come alongside you to help you get connected to the other moms.